10 February 2010

10 on 10 (in #10!)

I *finally* remembered to bring my camera with me on the 10th of the month, so I present my first contribution to "10 on 10" (see the original blog here!)

From Rebekah's forward:
take a photo once an hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. 
document a snapshot of your life and find beauty amoung the ordinary things of your day.
leave a comment to be added to the list of contributors..happy photographing!

I had to cheat a bit on mine - most of my time spent getting up and getting in to town is within the same hour, and I had to do the backstage shots during the dinner break, as I don't think I can have my camera backstage. (At least not at this point, where I have to be ready for just about anything at this point) Still, a quick snapshot of a day in the life of a West End dresser. :)


  1. Loved this quick look into your world Bonnie. Still snow at night, eh?? Wow - what a winter this has been in every possible aspect. Keep the photos coming...
    Love, Mums

  2. What a great idea! I am super jealous that you live in London. I'd really like to live there some day.

    Love your blog btw.

  3. Are you kidding me with those feathers?!?!?!?!

    Ohh- you totally win for posting some updates!
